We offer ham or turkey pretzel roll sandwiches for $2.75. These sandwiches are made with American cheese. In addition to the sandwiches, we offer ham, turkey or Italian subs for $3.50. The ham and turkey subs are made with American cheese and the Italians are made with provolone cheese. The sandwiches/subs all contain a lettuce/tomato packet and mayonnaise packets. Sorry we do not accept any special requests. THIS INCLUDES ANY ALLERGIES.
First you must select a day you would like to have your fundraising sandwiches/subs picked up. Please keep in mind that your payment (cash or check only) and other forms are due to us one week before the dat you pick up your order. You must make an appointment to bring your orders so they can be counted by a SOUTH SIDE DELI owner or manager. Fundraiser pick up days are Wednesday through Saturday from 9:00am to 10:00am or 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
Next you need to decide how much your group will be selling the sandwiches/subs for. We will provide you with a selling spreadsheet to hand out to all of your sellers. On that sheet will have the organization’s name, seller’s name, delivery date (this is the day you will deliver them, not us), date the orders are due to the fundraiser organizer (try to have this day a couple days before everything is to be turned into us).
Once you have picked up your order they have been double and triple checked by our staff to make sure it is correct. We offer to sort the orders by seller if you’d like. We stress that you should have each seller check their order before they take it from you. In the event that you are missing something, it must be reported back to us within 24 hours of your pick up.